Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Woohoo toot toot lol

My Glamour Queen LO won the challenge set at 3 Angels Scrapping YAY Thanks Jo and Rosey :) :) It made my day!!

I also got my June kit (that I designed!) from Michelle at Scrapframes so busy scrapping up a storm of examples for you all! Fantastic kit - just finished my Clock and was going to give it away as a pressie but now keeping it instead lol.

Suppose to be doing paperwork but brain doesn't want to think today - not good for when I am suppose to be reconciling so I am taking a break and updating here.

Girls - Jess was home Monday sick with a sore throat and cough but seemed to get better fairly quickly hhmmmmm although she still does have a cough. Chionia - the little ratbag - just full of mischief atm - Monday she poured half of Jess's bath fizz on the bathroom floor and while I was cleaning that up she smeared vegemite into the carpet so it got a good scrubbing (the carpet not Chionia lol). And she has been VERY naughty at daycare - biting...... if only I could catch her doing it at home..... TOld her off last night as she bit a boy in front of his parents (so glad I wasn't there!) - no dummy and tried repeating no biting etc - will see how she has gone today when I pick her up...... I don't want a biter!

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